Disability support

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 makes it a legal requirement for local government to provide equal access to employment, public buildings, goods, services and facilities.

All Victorian councils have a disability action plan. A disability action plan identifies actions to remove physical barriers for people with a disability and is also designed to increase employment and change community attitudes.

Councils provide a range of advice, support, guidance and services to ensure the wellbeing of people with a disability to maintain their preferred lifestyle and independence, and have the same opportunities as other members of the community.

While activities vary from council to council, they may include:

  • Design of community facilities, buildings, infrastructure and public spaces that support disability access and inclusion
  • Equitable access for people with a disability to participate in cultural and social activities, events and civic decision-making opportunities
  • Inclusive work cultures that meet the needs of people with a disability
  • In-home support services for people with a disability and their carers
  • Community transport to activities, services or shopping
  • Resources and information provided to meet the needs of people with a disability
  • Recharge stations for motor scooters
  • Community grant programs
  • Advice for businesses to ensure their premises are more accessible.

Learn more about

Find out more about disability support services outlined below: