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We advocate on behalf of the local government sector by participating in consultations and contributing to strategy development, discussion papers and proposed changes to legislation.

View our submissions to the State and Federal Government from the last few years below, in which we have represented the views of the local government sector on a range of topics.

Year from:
Year to:

145 results found:


Topic Submission Date File
Disability Submission to the draft National Autism Strategy June 2024 PDF - 269.1KB
Early childhood education Submission on Data Systems across the Life Course - The opportunity for an integrated data system for children and families July 2024 PDF - 981.7KB
Climate change Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into Climate Resilience June 2024 PDF - 617.8KB
Planning and building Submission to National Urban Policy 2024 June 2024 PDF - 668.5KB
Finance Submission to the Federal Parliamentary inquiry into local government sustainability June 2024 PDF - 17.6MB
Family Violence Prevention MAV Response to Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria May 2024 PDF - 251.4KB
Climate change Submission to Climate Change Authority Issues Paper Targets Pathways and Progress May 2023 PDF - 303.6KB
Planning and building Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into Securing the Victorian Food Supply April 2024 PDF - 364.4KB
Climate change MAV and VGA submission to the National Adaptation Plan Issues Paper April 2024 PDF - 228.8KB
Aged services Submission to the Inspector General of Aged Care: Implementation of the Royal Commission Recommendations - 2024 Progress Report March 2024 PDF - 336.4KB
Aged services Submission on the Aged Care Bill Exposure Draft February 2024 PDF - 497.5KB
Family Violence Prevention Submission on Strong Foundations: The Next Stage of Victoria's Work to End Family Violence January 2024 PDF - 316.9KB


Topic Submission Date File
Planning and building Submission on Shaping Regional and Rural Victoria December 2023 PDF - 1.3MB
Planning and building Submission on Shaping Metropolitan Melbourne December 2023 PDF - 1.4MB
Planning and building Submission to Modernising car and bicycle parking requirements discussion paper December 2023 PDF - 246.7KB
Planning and building Submission to Improving residential standards for dwellings on small lots discussion paper December 2023 PDF - 194.7KB
Transport Reforms to Heavy Vehicle National Law Consultation RIS. November 2023 PDF - 264.4KB
Planning and building Submission to Land Use Victoria Registrar’s Requirement’s Consultation October 2023 PDF - 235.1KB
Homelessness Submission to the National Housing and Homelessness Issues Paper October 2023 PDF - 369.8KB
Human services Submission to Stage 3 – DJCS on civil anti-vilification protections October 2023 PDF - 273.2KB
Disability Submission to Department of Social Services National Autism Strategy Discussion Paper October 2023 PDF - 269.5KB
Transport Submission to the Review of the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy September 2023 PDF - 146.0KB
Water Submission to Development of a new Victorian Waterway Management Strategy September 2023 PDF - 744.3KB
Aged services Submission to Aged Care Taskforce Draft Funding Principles August 2023 PDF - 212.3KB
Disability Submission to Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) August 2023 PDF - 622.4KB
Emergency management Submission to Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding August 2023 PDF - 291.9KB
Infrastructure Submission to the Independent Strategic Review of the Infrastructure Investment Program July 2023 PDF - 164.0KB
Housing affordability Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into the Rental and Housing Affordability Crisis July 2023 PDF - 1.1MB
Gambling harm Submission to Parliamentary inquiry into VAGO reports into regulation of gambling and liquor July 2023 PDF - 809.9KB
Gender equality Submission on Gender Equality Act (Amendment Regulations 2023) - Proposed Regulations June 2023 PDF - 369.5KB
Water management Submission to the Regulatory Impact Statement and Proposed OMLI to Replace the Saved SEPP Waters Clauses June 2023 PDF - 646.7KB
Emergency management Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into the 2022 Flood Event in Victoria June 2023 PDF - 416.5KB
Early years education Submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Care May 2023 PDF - 366.7KB
Transport Submission to the Vic Parliamentary Inquiry into the Impact of Road Safety Behaviours on Vulnerable Road Users May 2023 PDF - 177.2KB
Human services Submission in response to the Early Years Strategy Discussion Paper April 2023 PDF - 202.9KB
Social and Affordable Housing Submission to the DTF Social Housing Regulation Review Panel's Interim Report March 2023 PDF - 225.5KB
Infrastructure Submission to Inquiry into the Implications of Severe Weather Events on National Regional, Rural and Remote Roads February 2023 PDF - 345.6KB


Topic Submission Date File
State budget MAV 2023 Pre-budget Submission December 2022 PDF - 357.1KB
State budget Letter from MAV President Cr David Clark to Hon. Tim Pallas MP about the MAV 2023 Pre-budget Submission December 2022 PDF - 163.7KB
Disability Submission to Disability Inclusion Bill Exposure Draft November 2022 PDF - 211.3KB
Planning and building Submission to the National Electric Vehicle Strategy October 2022 PDF - 298.6KB
Public health Letter to Department of Health on Proposed Amendments to the Victorian Pharmacist-Administered Vaccination Program September 2022 PDF - 157.9KB
Planning and building Submission to Small Lot Housing Code Standards Review (Stage 2) August 2022 PDF - 263.7KB
Waste management Submission to CDS Regulatory Impact Statement and Draft Regulations June 2022 PDF - 458.6KB
Waste management Submission to Single-use Plastic Ban RIS May 2022 PDF - 161.3KB
Coastal management Submission by MAV-ABM to CMMP Guidelines March 2022 PDF - 246.1KB
Family Violence Prevention Submission to draft National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children February 2022 PDF - 340.4KB
Waterway management Submission to the Draft Guidelines for Inland Waterway Safety 2022 February 2022 PDF - 231.3KB
Planning and building Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into Victoria's Planning Framework February 2022 PDF - 232.0KB
Waste management Submission to E-waste product stewardship consultation February 2022 PDF - 496.3KB
Public health Submission to Review of Victoria’s Approach to Illicit Tobacco Regulation February 2022 PDF - 170.5KB
Governance Submission to Local Government Culture Project Discussion Paper February 2022 PDF - 235.6KB


Topic Submission Date File
Planning and building Submission to Improving the Operation of ResCode Discussion Paper December 2021 PDF - 319.8KB
Gender equality Submission to Safe and Strong Refresh 2021 December 2021 PDF - 354.1KB
State budget Pre-budget Submission - Opportunities for the 2022 State Budget November 2021 PDF - 510.9KB
Planning and building Submission to ABCB consultation on NCC2025 Residential Energy Efficiency November 2021 PDF - 202.6KB
Planning and building Submission to Apartment Design Standards inquiry October 2021 PDF - 266.7KB
Finance Submission to Inquiry into Commonwealth support for Victoria October 2021 PDF - 611.2KB
Planning and building Submission to Draft Land Use Framework Plans October 2021 PDF - 279.3KB
Housing Submission to Parliamentary inquiry into housing supply and affordability October 2021 PDF - 892.3KB
Governance MAV submission to the Electoral Matters Committee October 2021 PDF - 217.8KB
Coastal management MAV-ABM Submission to Victorian Recreational Boating Strategy September 2021 PDF - 328.7KB
Coastal management MAV-ABM Submission to draft Marine and Coastal Strategy August 2021 PDF - 475.0KB
Sex Work Decriminalisation Submission to Sex Work Decriminalisation Discussion Paper August 2021 PDF - 174.2KB
Transport Submission to Joint Select Committee on Road Safety Inquiry August 2021 PDF - 287.5KB
Waste management Submission to Victorian Government waste to energy framework August 2021 PDF - 495.2KB
Energy Submission to Victoria’s Gas Substitution Roadmap consultation paper August 2021 PDF - 268.8KB
Governance MAV submission to Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal – Determination of allowances for Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors August 2021 PDF - 200.7KB
Social and Affordable Housing Submission to Social Housing and Funding for Local Services - Issues Paper July 2021 PDF - 2.4MB
Family Violence Prevention Submission to National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children July 2021 PDF - 342.1KB
Planning and building Submission to Framework for Reform – Expert Panel's Review of Victoria’s Building System June 2021 PDF - 324.8KB
Environment Submission to Renewing Victoria's Public Land Legislation May 2021 PDF - 142.7KB
Disability Submission on the new State Disability Plan 2021 April 2021 PDF - 422.5KB
Transport MAV CEO Submission Letter to Accessible Public Transport Consultation RIS April 2021 PDF - 263.2KB
Environment Submission to proposed Land (Regulated Watercourse Land) Regulations April 2021 PDF - 717.4KB
Housing Submission to Homes Victorian regarding Establishing a 10 Year Strategy for Social and Affordable Housing April 2021 PDF - 291.4KB
Transport Submission to National Road Safety Strategy 2021 to 2030 Consultation March 2021 PDF - 155.7KB
State budget MAV Position Statement - State Budget 2021 March 2021 PDF - 363.9KB
Planning and building Submission to Environmentally Sustainable Development of Buildings and Subdivisions Roadmap February 2021 PDF - 595.7KB
Planning and building Submission to Planning for Melbourne's Green Wedges and Agricultural Land February 2021 PDF - 418.3KB
Transport Submission to Victoria's Draft 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy February 2021 PDF - 391.4KB


Topic Submission Date File
Water management Submission to Draft EPA Urban Stormwater Management Guidance December 2020 PDF - 815.1KB
Waste management Submission to Container Deposit Scheme Discussion Paper November 2020 Word - 317.5KB
Transport Submission to NTC Heavy Vehicle National Law Review Consultation RIS November 2020 Word - 336.5KB
Transport Submission to Heavy Vehicle Road Reform consultation October 2020 PDF - 187.5KB
Disability Submission to the National Disability Strategy consultation 2020 October 2020 PDF - 194.8KB
Transport Letter to Department of Justice and Community Safety re Professional Engineers Registration Scheme October 2020 PDF - 743.1KB
Waste management Submission to Waste Act and Authority options paper October 2020 PDF - 409.3KB
Public health Public Health and Wellbeing (Prescribed Accommodation) Regulations RIS October 2020 PDF - 181.9KB
Gender equality MAV Submission to Victorian LGBTIQ Strategy August 2020 August 2020 Word - 315.4KB
Public health Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety - Impact of COVID-19 on Victorian local government and its citizens July 2020 PDF - 1.1MB
Aged services Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety - System governance and program planning July 2020 PDF - 1.1MB
Family Violence Prevention MAV Submission to National Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence - July 2020 July 2020 Word - 452.8KB
Emergency management Submission into Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements - Local Government and Natural Disasters Issues Paper June 2020 PDF - 291.4KB
Public health Submission to Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 May 2020 PDF - 222.0KB
Environment Submission to RIS Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations March 2020 Word - 317.4KB
Homelessness Submission to the Parliamentary inquiry into homelessness February 2020 PDF - 1.1MB
Aged services Submission to Aged Care Royal Commission Program Design January 2020 PDF - 598.1KB
Waste management Submission to COAG consultation RIS on waste export ban January 2020 Word - 124.3KB
Coastal management Management of Port Phillip and Western Port Boating Facilities – discussion paper response January 2020 PDF - 1.2MB
Education PAEC Response School Planning January 2020 Word - 327.3KB


Topic Submission Date File
Waste management Submission to Infrastructure Victoria's Recycling and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Report December 2019 Word - 481.5KB
Transport Final MAV Letter to NTC PMD consultation RIS - Fri 13 Dec 2019 December 2019 PDF - 166.3KB
Transport MAV response NTC barriers to the safe use of MMD discussion paper, 11 Dec 2019 December 2019 Word - 249.1KB
Public health Submission to Consultation on Expansion of Pharmacist-administered Vaccination Program November 2019 Word - 54.8KB
Environment Submission to EPA draft charter of consultation November 2019 PDF - 607.6KB
Planning and building Submission to Red Tape Commissioner Planning and Building Approvals November 2019 Word - 309.1KB
Council rates Submission to Rating System Review November 2019 PDF - 2.0MB
Environment Submission to Proposed Environment Protection Subordinate Legislation October 2019 PDF - 2.2MB
Emergency management Submission to IGEM Ten Years of Emergency Management Reform October 2019 Word - 329.3KB
Early childhood education Submission to Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Early Childhood Engagement of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities October 2019 Word - 142.6KB
Housing affordability Submission to MAC on Planning Mechanisms for Affordable Housing October 2019 PDF - 333.8KB
Early childhood education Submission to Review of the Universal Access-National-Partnership Discussion Paper October 2019 PDF - 236.4KB
Public health Submission to Public Health and Wellbeing Regulation Review September 2019 Word - 151.3KB
Building regulation Submission to Swimming Pool and Spa Safety Standards September 2019 PDF - 425.0KB
Environment Submission to Marine and Coast Policy August 2019 August 2019 Word - 232.0KB
Transport Submission - NTC Easy Access to Suitable Routes August 2019 PDF - 393.5KB
Waste management Submission to Circular economy issues paper August 2019 Word - 318.9KB
Local Government Act Submission to Local Government Bill Proposed Reforms July 2019 PDF - 408.8KB
Transport Submission to New Road Safety (Traffic Management) Regulations July 2019 PDF - 330.8KB
Human services Submission to Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System July 2019 PDF - 401.8KB
Transport Submission to Productivity Commission inquiry on National Transport Regulatory Reform July 2019 PDF - 726.3KB
Housing Submission to Caravan Park Sunset Review Team July 2019 PDF - 680.0KB
Waste management Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into Recycling and Waste Management May 2019 PDF - 395.8KB
Agriculture Submission on protecting Melbourne's strategic agricultural land May 2019 Word - 303.4KB
Child care Submission to Review of Child Safe Standards 2019 March 2019 Word - 320.6KB
Aged services Submission to Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety from Clare Hargreaves (MAV) March 2019 PDF - 14.0MB
Renewable energy Submission to Draft Solar Energy Facilities Design and Development Guidelines February 2019 Word - 306.3KB
Sexual Harassment Submission to Sex Discrimination Commissioner National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces February 2019 PDF - 1.1MB


Topic Submission Date File
Waste management Submission to National Waste Policy Update October 2018 PDF - 450.5KB
Transport Submission for Infrastructure Victoria Evidence Base Report - Advice on Automated Vehicle and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure August 2018 PDF - 558.5KB
Transport Submission for NTC Safety Assurance For Automated Driving Regulation Impact Statement Consultation July 2018 PDF - 631.3KB
Waste management Submission on Product Stewardship Act Review June 2018 Word - 295.8KB
Local Government Act Submission on Local Government Bill Exposure Draft March 2018 Word - 352.7KB
Disability Submission to Joint Standing Committee on NDIS re market readiness February 2018 PDF - 154.9KB
Waste management Submission on managing e-waste in Victoria January 2018 Word - 317.1KB
Waste management Submission on reducing the impacts of plastics on the Victorian environment January 2018 Word - 139.4KB


Topic Submission Date File
Rate capping Submission to ESC Productivity Study on Local Government October 2017 PDF - 231.2KB


Topic Submission Date File
Governance Submission to the Local Government Act Review Directions Paper September 2016 Word - 207.0KB
Finance Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry on Rural and Regional Councils September 2016 Word - 405.9KB
Rate capping Submission to Rate Capping Inquiry July 2016 PDF - 67.3KB
Disability Submission to State Disability Plan 2017-2020 discussion paper July 2016 Word - 35.1KB


Topic Submission Date File
Environment Submission to Sustainability Fund Priority Statement December 2015 Word - 308.8KB
Rate capping Submission to ESC draft rates capping and variation framework August 2015 Word - 225.3KB
Rate capping Submission to ESC Rates Capping and Valuation Framework Consultation Paper May 2015 PDF - 201.1KB