MAV Insurance

Commercial crime insurance

We provide insurance for fraud to councils and other eligible public authorities.


All members have a minimum sum insured of $1 million. Members can opt to have a higher limit.

The fund indemnifies members against any fraudulent or dishonest act committed by an employee acting alone or in collusion with others.

It also protect members against any fraudulent or dishonest act committed by a third party including:

  • theft – the intentional permanent deprivation of money, securities or property
  • forgery – the signing of another persons’ name or endorsing without authority of any cheque, draft, promissory note or bill of exchange with the intent to deceive
  • fraudulent alteration – a material alteration to any financial instrument for a fraudulent or dishonest purpose, other than by the authorised signatory
  • counterfeiting – intentional imitation of any currency such that a member is deceived
  • computer fraud – loss due to any fraudulent or dishonest misuse or manipulation of a member’s computer systems programs or fund transfer systems
  • crime – not otherwise insured or excluded (such as extortion), where the third party obtained improper financial gain and intended to cause loss and is found guilty and convicted of such criminally sanctioned act.


Commercial Crime Insurance is available to any public or local government body formed by an Act of Parliament, any authority formed under the Water Act 1989 or any Weights and Measurers Union.


The fund was established in accordance with the Municipal Association Act 1907.

From July 2010 the fund ceased to write business on its own account because we could not match the broad terms and conditions currently available in the market because of the restrictions placed on the scheme by the Municipal Association Act 1907.

Insurance is now facilitated for members via a policy issued by Chubb Insurance Australia Limited.

We manage the fund with assistance from Jardine Lloyd Thompson.

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