Innovation for the public good

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We have been developing a new innovation capability within MAV, ready to support our service delivery and play an impactful new role in the local government ecosystem in Victoria.

Last night, we brought together a diverse group of sector leaders for an energising event to launch MAVlab.

Lead by our Chief Innovatior in Residence Bonnie Shaw, MAVlab will bring an innovation lens and collaborative ways of working at scale, to support our local governments in their responses to critical and increasingly complex social, environmental, economic, technological and leadership challenges.

The MAVlab approach will be data informed, wilfully optimistic and wildly collaborative - both with our colleagues in council and more broadly across the sector.

Sector leaders and industry specialists attended the inspiring launch, held after Australian Local Government Association's NGA welcome ceremony. Guests were welcomed by MAV President Cr David Clark and heard about the MAVlab vision from Bonnie and MAV CEO Kelly Grigsby. The energy in the room was invigorating and many were ready to roll up there sleeves and get to work immediately!

As attendees heard, you can get involved now. We’ll be kicking off our monthly MAVlab talks series shortly, and you can sign up for the series here:

And there’s still time to help us better understand the challenges and opportunities facing Victorian Councils by completing sector-wide Victorian Councils Survey. The survey is open to all local government officers, and elected members - we're excited to hear from you,

Click here to complete the survey: