State Government Housing Annoucements

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Consultation and co-design with the local government sector and their communities will be paramount for the successful implementation of the latest housing announcements made by the State Government over the weekend.

Pleasingly, the announcement of the newly identified Activity Centres acknowledged the need to engage with councils and that the centres 'will be designed in consultation with locals.'

The MAV will continue to advocate for a meaningful partnership between State and Local Government to plan for and commit to enabling ‘development’ infrastructure in identified areas of growth and change, improve the development contribution system and ensure these funds are spent where needed locally, and to work with the development industry to identify capacity and capability gaps to ensure targets have a chance of becoming reality.

Councils needs a seat at the table to make sure the community’s needs like green open spaces and community facilities such as schools, are planned and designed into the process as change rolls out across our neighbourhoods over the coming decades.

Councils across Victoria understand the need to address the housing crisis and want to see more housing. They've already been putting in the work continuing to approve permits, re-zone land and lodge planning scheme amendments to allow the possibility of additional housing stock to be built. We seek to work with the Planning Minister to open up these pathways to providing new housing development opportunities.

As experts of our local places and communities, local government looks forward to working closely with the State Government to ensure we shape our cities and neighbourhoods to be healthy, well connected, and sustainable places where people and communities can thrive.