Upcoming census

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Inclusivity and understanding are more important than ever. Councils have long led the way in this discussion, aiming to create equitable communities for everyone.

You may have seen the decision to not change the data collected by the next census, despite the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) including gender, sexual orientation and variations of sex characteristics in the proposed shortlist.

Collecting LGBTIQA+ data isn’t just about numbers, it's about acknowledging and understanding people.

For councils, collecting this data is critical for a number of reasons. It informs policy making; accurate data helps councils craft policies that reflect the diverse needs of LGBTIQA+ individuals and communities ensuring their voices are heard and acknowledged along with all citizens.

It’s also vitally important in allowing councils to allocate resources – including mental health support, community events, or inclusive spaces – more effectively, targeting support where it’s needed most.

In not doing so, the census will miss the opportunity to ensuring that every community member has the opportunity to thrive.