Affordable Housing Agreements Resources

The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and Community Housing Industry Association Victoria (CHIA Vic) have developed a suite of resources aimed at increasing the supply of affordable housing by smoothing the process of negotiating Affordable Housing Agreements (AHAs).

Following the Victorian Government’s 2018 amendments to the Planning and Environment Act 1987, local government, community housing organisations and developers have been able to negotiate voluntary affordable housing contributions, as part of planning approval processes.

This joint project by CHIA Vic and the MAV and funded by state government, breaks down the process and provides all parties with an enhanced understanding of each other’s legislative restrictions and business model.

The hope is to encourage more agreements to be struck, enabling more disadvantaged Victorians to have the safety and security of a home.

The Resources are below

  1. Affordable Housing Agreements: Advice for local government and community housing organisations (PDF - 5.9MB)
  2. Fact sheet: A guide for developers (PDF - 1.9MB)
  3. Fact sheet: Understanding the community housing sector (PDF - 470KB)
  4. Fact sheet: A guide for local government (PDF - 1.6MB)
  5. Toolkit for planners (PDF - 2.6MB)