
Clearinghouse for Sport - A great resource for academic research and materials.

Victoria Walks’ research on walking, cycling and transport

How can we get more people using active transport? VicHealth and Monash University collaborated to identify active transport research gaps and priorities. Read the Research summary report (PDF - 2.31MB).

Monash University LGA Bike Riding Typologies - In late 2020, VicHealth and Monash University conducted a study of over 4000 people across 37 local government areas in Victoria to understand how many people were interested in riding a bike. Read the summary or the full report.

Spatial variation in bicycling: a retrospective review of travel survey data from Greater Melbourne (PDF - 1.72MB)

Active Transport Research – a study of community attitudes and behaviours in a coronavirus environment (PDF - 83.4KB) - A survey by Intuitive Solutions for VicHealth.

The Australian Cycling and E-Scooter Economy in 2022 (PDF - 3.27MB) - We Ride Australia engaged Ernst & Young to conduct an assessment of the economic, social and environmental benefits of cycling and e-scooters in Australia.

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