Funding regional communities 2014

Campaign objective
Funding Regional Communities highlighted the important contribution of the Victorian Government’s $360 million invested in rural and regional infrastructure for local communities. We sought renewal of three critical State funded programs for a further four years to continue to renew, revive and revitalise regional Victoria.
About the campaign
More than 1,500 local community projects were funded from a $360 million Victorian Government investment. From local roads and bridges through to swimming pool upgrades, town hall improvements, senior citizens centres, childcare facilities, arts and cultural precincts, and much more. These assets are the lifeblood of local communities and ongoing investment in our regions provides jobs and economic development stimulus.
Since 2011-12, the Victorian Government committed:
- $160 million Country Roads and Bridges program - provides funding of $1 million per year to 40 rural councils
- $100 million Putting Locals First program – comprising four components: grants up to $500,000 for improved local infrastructure; grants up to $150,000 for local economic development and job creation; grants up to $150,000 for local community initiatives; and grants up to $150,000 for local strategic and project planning
- $100 million Local Government Infrastructure program – provides funding up to a maximum $2.5 million to each of the 48 rural and regional councils.
Each program was funded until 2014-15. Ahead of the 2014 May State Budget, the MAV sought commitment from the Government to renew these programs for a further four years.