Arts, culture and the creative industries

Arts, culture and the creative industries are essential

Local government has long recognised the invaluable contribution arts, culture and the creative industries make to local employment, community wellbeing and vitality, tourism and economic development. Council build on their substantial investment across the creative sector by collaborating with Governments and experts, identifying opportunities to strengthen the arts and creative industries, and facilitating positive social, cultural, economic and health and wellbeing outcomes.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Victoria's arts and culture sector has been hit hard and it is more important now more than ever to recognise our creative industry.

Victorian councils are a major stakeholder of arts and culture and are responsible for some 277 public library branches, 39 art galleries, 47 performing arts centres; and numerous sites of Aboriginal heritage, museums, and creative spaces including town halls, community centres, rehearsal rooms, artist studios, and business hubs. For now, the new normal means the gradual easing of restrictions will still prevent large gatherings and full-houses, but councils are working collaboratively with industry to restore our creative programs, enhance our cultural offerings and ensure our communities have access to the arts that nourish and connect us all.

The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) has developed a Position Statement for the Arts, Culture and Creative Industries (PDF - 1.34MB) which articulates local governments’ commitment because the arts and our culture are essential.

On behalf of Victorian councils, the MAV and Creative Victoria are committed to placing the creative industries at the forefront of our state’s future growth, prosperity and liveability. This commitment drives investment in infrastructure such as galleries, museums, performing arts venues and libraries; as well as festivals and events, public art projects and cultural programming, strategic planning, education, youth, heritage, diversity and Indigenous enterprise and career pathways.

Councils are working hard to develop efficiencies and links to bolster programs and infrastructure development and delivery. This will be achieved through adopting adaptive frameworks that stimulate local economies through cultural tourism, improving amenity, and supporting creative endeavour. Victorian councils have a leading role in strengthening and leveraging the arts and creative industries to heal and rebuild communities, and provide vital economic, social, cultural, health and wellbeing outcome

ALGA Arts and Culture Policy Position

The Australian Local Government Association calls for support of the pivotal role local government plays in the development of the creative sector, which is essential to the liveability and economic sustainability of all Australian communities.

You can read the ALGA Arts and Culture Policy Position (PDF - 300KB).

Victorian Cultural Dashboard

The Victorian Cultural Dashboard provides councils with the unprecedented opportunity to illustrate the impact and value of their cultural programs and facilities through data.

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MAV contact

For more information on our arts and culture policy work, please email: