Diversity & inclusion

There are many reasons to support and celebrate a municipality’s diversity, such as increased social cohesion and a sense of belonging for all, an innovative economy, vibrant arts and culture, and overall community wellbeing.

There are also legislative reasons in both the Local Government Act 2020 and Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights, which is why diversity and inclusion is an important area of attention for local government.

MAV Diversity and Human Rights Policy Statements

The MAV has a strong and historical commitment to equality for all Victorians. This is demonstrated in the MAV’s recognition and support of diversity and human rights exemplified in our Prevention of Violence Against Women Leadership Statement  (PDF - 108KB), Statement of Commitment to Cultural Diversity (PDF - 671KB) and Framework for Creating a More Inclusive Community for People With a Disability (Word - 190KB).

Local government has obligations under Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006, which includes the rights to recognition and equality before the law, protection from degrading treatment, freedom of expression, thought, conscience, religion and belief, taking part in public life, peaceful assembly and freedom of association and cultural rights. Human rights are integrated into council business, and a priority of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission is to track Victoria’s progress in building a human rights culture.

Current priorities

  • Encourage councils to respond to the diversity of their communities
  • Support council aged care service providers to meet the needs of diverse clients
  • Advocate on councils’ behalf to State and Commonwealth government on issues affecting diverse groups
  • Support councils in the sharing of information within available resources
  • Support partnerships and relationships between the local government and multicultural community sectors
  • Participate with the Victorian Local Government Multicultural Issues Network (VLGMIN).

Standing up to race-based discrimination

We collaborated with VicHealth to support councils’ broad and diverse role in working for and within local communities. Although this resource was developed 10 years ago in 2013, its suggestions and recommendations continue to be current today.


Statistical data for Victorian communities

The City of Greater Dandenong has statistical information about social, health and economic outcomes for all Victorian localities.

National Anti-Racism Framework

The Australian Human Rights Commission has commenced developing a National Anti-Racism Framework, with an initial scoping report and community guide released in 2022. It includes weblinks for reporting racism in Australia including:

Other Useful links

Victorian Local Government Multicultural Issues Network

VLGMIN is a longstanding local government officers group providing opportunities to:

  • showcase and share their accumulated wisdom and best-practice
  • browse the existing work of other Victorian councils and potentially build partnerships
  • learn from the experiences of other councils before developing their own work, and avoid reinventing the wheel.

While every municipality is different, our goals are often the same and there are commonalities among resident needs.

Victorian council staff can be kept up to date on matters relating to cultural diversity across all council areas through the VLGM * Call It Out – First Nations Racism Register

Opportunities for local government

Interpreting Services

The Commonwealth government's Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) provides free interpreting services to councils for many services. For information contact the Language Policy Liaison team via email or phone on 1300 575 847.

Engage with us

Multicultural eNetwork

This eNetwork keeps Victorian council staff up to date on matters relating to cultural diversity across all council areas. It includes the Victorian Local Government Multicultural Issues Network (VLGMIN).

For more information from the MAV please email: inquiries@mav.asn.au