
The increasing number and concentration of electronic gaming machines (EGMs) in Victoria’s most socio-economically disadvantaged communities are of particular concern to councils. The current regulatory framework for gambling provides little protection to Victorian communities that can least afford to lose.

Current priorities

Gambling, and the many harms associated with this activity, has been identified as a priority issue of concern to local government in our strategic plan and through our State Council resolution process. Councils have called on us to advocate for a number of changes and improvements to the current regulatory system.

Current projects

Submissions and briefs

We develop and form a collective local government sector view on a range of gambling topics. These include:

To access all our gambling-related submissions, visit the MAV submissions page.

Committees, Reference Groups and Networks

Local Government Gambling, Alcohol and Other Drugs Issues Forum

The Local Government Gambling, Alcohol and Other Drugs Issues Forum (LGGAODIF) is a network of professionals working for or with local government to prevent and reduce harms associated with gambling, alcohol and other drug use.


Gambling reforms

Gambling research

Further information

Engage With Us

For information about our alcohol and other drugs work, please email: