Tobacco and E-cigarettes
We work in collaboration with the Victorian Government to reduce the incidence of smoking and vaping in the community.
We administer service agreements with councils to undertake tobacco and e-cigarette control activities identified and funded by the Department of Health. We also advocate on behalf of councils in respect of statutory and administrative requirements set by the Victorian Government and other agencies.
The strong partnership between the MAV, councils and the Department of Health enables councils to undertake education and enforcement activities with thousands of tobacco retailers, eating establishments and licensed premises in relation to the provisions of the Tobacco Act 1987 .
Service agreements have been operating since 2000 when smoking was first banned in restaurants across Victoria. Nearly $1.35 million was provided to councils in 2022-23.
MAV Resources
- MAV Tobacco and E-cigarette Control Activities - Annual Report - July 2023 to June 2024 (PDF - 1.29MB)
- MAV Submission (PDF - 1.2MB) to the PAEC Inquiry into Vaping and Tobacco Controls – March 2024
- MAV Submission to Review of Victoria's Approach to Illicit Tobacco Regulation - Feb 2022 (PDF - 170.5KB)
Other Resources
How to Create a Smoke-free and Vape-free Area (PDF - 499KB), Melbourne City Council and Quit Victoria. The resource provides a step-by-step guide to assist councils who may be looking to create smoke and vape-free areas in their municipality.
Strengthening Tobacco Control at a Local Level (PDF - 2.22MB), VicHealth. This module provides how-to guides for additional actions councils can adopt to promote smokefree environments, tobacco control and e-cigarette safety.
Further Information
- WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC)
- National Tobacco Strategy 2023–2030
- Tobacco Act 1987
Related Websites
Looking for Support to Quit Smoking or Vaping?
For free confidential support to quit smoking or vaping, call (or visit) the Quitline on 13 78 48.
You can also head to Quit Now to find updated resources to support quitting smoking and vaping.
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