Aboriginal engagement plans and strategies
Having a reconciliation action plan (RAP) or an Aboriginal strategy lets potential Aboriginal job candidates know your council is somewhere they might like to work.
Reconciliation Australia’s RAP program provides a common framework to develop plans that outline practical actions the organisation will take to build strong relationships and enhance respect between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians.
The RAP program is about working with organisations across Australia to turn their good intentions into real actions.
Across Australia 385 organisations have developed RAPs through Reconciliation Australia and the number is growing rapidly.
Many Victorian councils have also prepared RAPs. Links to some of their RAPs and Aboriginal engagement strategies are provided on this page.
Sharing your RAP
Your council may have developed its own Aboriginal plan or strategy with your local community.
If you’d like to share it with other councils email Rosemary Hancock at rhancock@mav.asn.au.
We will continue to improve and compile the local government Aboriginal engagement plans and strategies section as they become available.