Important Links

Please find further information and links to organisations that support the practice of Child Information Sharing in the community:

Orange Door

The Orange Door is a free service in Victoria that provides support and assistance to individuals and families facing various challenges. Here are the key aspects of the Orange Door’s services:

  • Family Violence Support: The Orange Door serves as an access point for women, children, and young people experiencing family violence. It offers a safe space where individuals can seek help, guidance, and resources related to family violence.
  • Child and Family Services: Beyond family violence, the Orange Door also acts as an entry point for families needing assistance with child and family services. Whether it is support for child development, parenting, or general family well-being, the Orange Door connects families to the appropriate services.
  • Access Without Referral: People can call or visit the Orange Door in person without needing a referral. It operates during business hours (9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday) and provides information, guidance, and connections to relevant services.

Remember, in case of an emergency, always call 000.

Child Protection

The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing offers programs to help Victorians create safe and caring homes and communities for all families and children.

Foundation House

Delivering specialist trauma focussed services that work with the strengths and resilience of refugees, their families and communities, to rebuild lives shattered by torture and other traumatic events.

FKA Children's Services

Advocates for children’s cultural and linguistic rights and provide support to education and care services in the provision of culturally rich environments that reflect a civil society.

Brotherhood of St Laurence

A social justice organisation working alongside people experiencing disadvantage to address the fundamental causes of poverty in Australia.

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